It’s been a long time since I last blogged. I’ve been meaning to for oh so long but you know what they say about the road to hell. For a while I maintained my math blog but even that has been fallow for some time.
Fortunately, I stumbled upon Peter Norvig’s article about solving Sudoku, and that has provided the impetus. His approach is probably the most sensible I have seen for a while; there seem to be some really bad solvers out there. I was unimpressed with the one by Skiena in the Algorithm Design Manual, although the truly ridiculous one has to be the so-overblown-I-took-a-whole-book approach in Programming Sudoku; the mind simply boggles at how complex some people make trivial things.
Because solving Sudoku is indeed trivial. There is nothing to it. All you need is a very simple backtracking search. I wrote the solver below originally more than 10 years ago in Javascript and it was used as a generator running on extremely low-powered Microsoft SPOT smart watches. For fun I dug it out, turned it into Python, and tested it on “the world’s hardest Sudoku puzzle”. How fast can you blink?
But still some people make a big deal out of it all…
rows = [0xffff] * 9
cols = [0xffff] * 9
rgns = [0xffff] * 9
board = [0]*81
def init(puz):
global board, rows, cols, rgns, board
for r, row in enumerate(puz):
for c, ch in enumerate(row):
board[r * 9 + c] = ch
if ch == '.':
m = ~(1 << (ord(ch) - 48))
rows[r] &= m
cols[c] &= m
rgns[(r // 3) * 3 + (c // 3)] &= m
def fill(pos):
global board, rows, cols, rgns
if pos == 81:
return True
elif board[pos] != '.':
return fill(pos + 1)
r = pos // 9
c = pos % 9
allowed = rows[r] & cols[c]
if allowed:
rg = (r // 3) * 3 + (c // 3)
allowed &= rgns[rg]
if allowed:
for i in range(1, 10):
tm = 1 << i
if allowed & tm:
im = ~tm
rows[r] &= im
cols[c] &= im
rgns[rg] &= im
if fill(pos + 1):
board[pos] = chr(48 + i)
return True
rows[r] |= tm
cols[c] |= tm
rgns[rg] |= tm
return False
def solve(puz):
return fill(0)
if solve([
for i in xrange(0, 81, 9):
print ''.join(board[i:i+9])